Don’t Believe These 4 Commonly-Circulated Myths About Muscle Soreness
If you’ve recently started over with making regular fitness center workouts a part of your lifestyle, you’re prepared to face some discomfort. It starts with pulling yourself out of bed earlier than usual, continues as you try to catch your breath with lungs that feel like they’re on fire, and ends with one of the most dreaded discomforts of all —muscle soreness. Many people misunderstand what muscle soreness indicates and how to respond to it, so we’d to dispel a few of the common myths and get you set up for fitness center success. Myth #1: Only people who are out of shape experience muscle soreness The crazy thing about muscle soreness is that, if you’re taking steps to improve yourself physically, you’ll never be “done” with it. While your breathing and heart rate will improve as you adjust to increasing cardiovascular intensity, muscles can be worked in so many ways that all but the most balanced of exercise programs will still result in occasional soreness. For example, elite ath...